Magnet Mask Review

Have you heard of all the rage over the magnetic mask called Amoria Magnet? This magnetic mask with pore rejuvenation has a refining formula that leaves your skin with a healthy glow. While putting the cover on, you may need to wash your hands to keep the mess from spreading. After application, sit and enjoy the refreshing feeling during the fifteen-minute wait time. After taking the mask off with the magnet, rub the leftover botanical oils into your skin for five minutes. This step allows for the active ingredients to soak deep into the pores. While the magnet is drawing out pollutants and dirt from your pores, enjoy the fun, and your skin feeling refreshed.

Pointers to have everything ready beforehand:

  • Cut strips of saran wrap for the magnet.
    • When the magnet gets over full switch out the strips.
    • Throw away each piece to stay messy free.
  • Have Dish soap and a sink nearby.
    • Gloves are not necessary.
    • If you get any on your hands, use soap, it’s oil-based.


  • The container looks different from what is on the website.

  • The magnetic wand is much smaller than advertised on site.

  • The marketing logo has changed from what is portrayed on the website.

  • Lots of fun and my skin feels like I left a facial.

Purchased off the website:

H​ave you tried this product? What was your experience like? Have any questions? Leave a comment!

Military Mother Woes

As a mother leaving for seven months, there are a lot of stressors that begin to fill your mind. Worrying about how your spouse is going to take care of the children, household, and continue working really causes the most amount of stress. In our situation, my husband needed to change his hours to the evening shift and had to turn down a job promotion, knowing that I was leaving. We had one child in public school and the other at daycare, with a sitter picking them both up and watching them until he was off at eleven, two days a week. His parents took the children every weekend, and two days a week, he had off to watch the children. This itinerary was a hard one to correlate, and I worked my tail off, trying to figure it out before I left.

Honestly, I can tell you that one does not think about oneself in these moments leading up to leaving for a considerable amount of time. All while trying to figure out how your family is going to keep going without you, on can begin to battle the demons haunting you. The battle to get everything in order just in case something was to happen to you while you are gone. Before I left, I packed all of my things to clear out my side of the dresser and instead filled the drawers with blankets and extra sheets. I tried to clean up as much of my items, to help with those “just in case” thoughts that rolled around every few days.

I decided to give my husband all of my information to take care of all the things I was so used to doing; hoping that I could focus on happy thoughts when I had the opportunity to talk on the phone or preferably to video chat. If you are about to leave as a mother or wife in the military; I do not believe that anyone will ever indeed be able to understand the hardship unless they have left for deployment or any other traveling job. I have heard too many times to count, that a military deployment truly opens up possible realizations that could affect your marriage. For me, this came to fruition.

If I can give anyone advice for their relationships during deployment, whether it is marriage or even a friendship relationship; do not expect anyone to fully understand what you are going through while you are away. However, every now and then someone will surprise you. For example, my husband’s grandmother told me that she felt sorry for the children being away from me until she realized that they are happy and surrounded by loving, caring family members in their typical environment. That is when she realized that I was the one who needed the love and support while overseas, I was blessed to have her writing me cards with just that.

Unfortunately, my husband never understood the entire time I was away. I begged him for affection, to flirt, or to even call me and show me that he wanted to talk to me. He did not do anything to help me feel, not once for the entire seven months that I was gone. I had a couple lady friends who I confided in, and they were also going through marital troubles. The only difference was, their husbands called and texted, always fighting for their relationship, reassuring them. This was not the case in my situation. At a point in time, I drew away from these friends because I didn’t want my negative thinking about marriage to persuade them in any direction.

My perception of marriage was that it was not a fairy tale, and this man whom I chose to live the rest of my life with was not making decisions that proved he wanted to be with me. I won’t get into the gist of it all, but a short story is from Easter. I had asked him for one favor, “please allow me to talk to the kids privately on Easter morning before speaking with anyone else.” He agreed; however, after less than a min, both his parents came into the room, and both children wanted nothing to do with me. The show was stolen from me yet again; how am I supposed to regain a 3-year old’s attention over a phone? You can’t! I cried and let them go. It was at that moment that I had my suspicions this marriage was not going to last.

The entire time I was gone, he kept bringing up divorce, and I always counteracted it with reassuring him that we needed counseling. This was the first time, I allowed myself to truly see him for who he was in my life, the first time that I allowed myself to no longer love him. Just wait, the story gets much better. Stay tuned and subscribe if you would like to find out what happened!

A Snake on Social Media

Quite some time ago, someone who I do not choose to have in my life posted something hurtful on Fb, towards me. It triggered me to start sharing my story in hopes that it will help other mothers to stay healthy-minded and those of you who would like to message me with anything positive and uplifting would be much appreciated. This post began some time ago, but I never posted because I felt like my voice did not matter. I was a product of my surroundings. That all has changed and I have grown to love myself more. I am not allowing anyone’s opinion of me to be any of my business. I’m sure many people think I am crazy for allowing a FB post to get to me. I agree; however, this sort of conflict has been happened from time to time for the past five years now.

My daughter is almost four, and since the day that she was born, these posts have happened. My strength was beginning to fade, and the disrespect was starting to weigh heavily on my mind before I left for deployment. I was holding my son and daughter more tightly every evening and reassuring myself that my family was my center, my focus. My children’s well-being still is the most important, and they are happy and healthy, no worries. During the two years of our engagement, the family of the soon-to-be in-laws had made bold statements on social media discluding me as the mother of our daughter.

We won’t get into details; however, my mentality was, “Oh, that’s not a big deal people always do that.” Until it continued to become worse because I did not stand up for myself, I began to lose my self-appreciation and happiness. I had almost lost myself entirely until I woke one day and said, “Yes, I am re-enlisting to deploy and going after my dreams.” So, I did just that. I told my then-fiancé that we would have to get married sooner than our original date because I decided to re-enlist, and the deployment would be happening. He said that he supported me, and agreed it was a good plan.

So we were married on January 26th, 2018. However, there was not marital bliss that followed, I was a hidden gem and just like how my husband hid our pregnancy and the fact that he was proposing to me from his family (my family knew), he now pressured me into keeping our love and marriage secret, so that we could still have a family wedding. This a something that echoes do as to not interrupt their relationship with a narcissist. Let me say, once you realize you are not the problem, find a way to block narcissists from affecting you because they will come at you hard. You must remember narcissists are the best at hiding true intentions and making people second guess their intuitions. These people get others to think they are good-willed and if you call their bluff, then you become on their hit list. They will try and burn you, creating destruction in your life. Allow them to have their nest and get far away.

Be wary for the snakes like these, ladies. If you are with someone who has a narcissist directly in their life, especially a parent, there may not be anything you can do for them except lie down in the fetal position succumbed to the narcissists will. Unless you can move far away but most likely that person is unable to see it and they are an echo filling her tribe. I’d say get out while you still can.

Stay tuned for the next blog on events leading up to my deployment. I have lots to share as a military mother!

Failed Attempts Intro

Not sure if it is just me or if anyone out there also has a hard time forgetting the past.  Everything that has led me to the place I am, all the wrongdoings, all the special moments, etc. The only thing that I have a hard time with is remembering names, and when I go about my day to day schedule, and new faces come directly into my path, I tend to overlook them. I don’t even see a person; it turns into a blur. Later, when I try to recall their appearance, nothing is there, yet when they had made an impression on me, good or bad. I believe that it may have to do with the many people I have encountered while being in the military, maybe it’s due to the lack of storage space in my brain, or it could be because I have accepted that most new faces aren’t going to be around forever.

On my journey into adulthood, I figured out that I had major communication problems and a lifetime of “friends” who I had supposedly lost due to that lack of communication. I’m sure it wasn’t all my fault, but I do take responsibility for my part in these failed relationships. Today, I feel that I am doing better and learning with every relationship in my life. There are still walls that I put up from time to time with toxic people, but I look at those as a safety net. Even though I cannot get rid of these toxic people, though I do want to, I guess that is just like when you are getting married and must keep your significant other poisonous people around. It’s unfortunate and crushes my soul; therefore, I keep walls and boundaries with those types of people. Hopefully, someday, the toxic chemicals will be gone. This story is not about those types of people. Instead, it is about the failed relationships that I look back on and wish had been different. Without giving any names, this is my story about a girl who has been learning communication and relationships on all her failed attempts.

The first day of fifth grade at this Elementary School, and my mother took me to the city bus stop since this school system did not have school buses. My mother told the driver what school and let me know to watch for it on the right-hand side. The school was only a few blocks up the street, but it was my first day at this school. I put three quarters into the slot and took the closest window seat to the front, waving at my mother. I was extremely nervous, but at the same time, I felt strong for going on my own.

A new school and it was not due to moving; we had been in our new house for over a year. I was supposed to be going into sixth grade, and my mother decided to hold me back a year, due to a recent finding of an attention problem. She had me tested previously for a learning disorder, and the results came back that I was highly advanced for my age. The tests concluded that I needed more of a challenge to help drive my focus. My mother continued to search for a “problem” until she reached a conclusion to hold me back and send me to another school in the area while trying me on medication. I did very well that year, had all A’s to be exact. My mother and step-father thought it had to be the medication. I mean it could not have been anything to do with the fact that I learned the same stuff the year prior.

My second year of fifth grade was a turning point in my life. It not only put me a year behind on my schedule, making me one of the oldest in my class year, graduating high school at 19, but the medication stopped my social learning. Instead of living care-free as a child, I began to live inside my mind. Creating a worry that led to anxiety, I became an introvert when my usual self was a care-free extrovert. The most significant difference I realized was a ringing in my head; it came every morning when I took the medication and faded when it was wearing off. To this day, I get flashbacks of the ringing.

The first day was a bit magical; I had not expected anyone to talk to me, being the new girl. However, they were acutely kind, and I felt like I could be friends with everyone. I never told anyone that I was re-doing fifth grade as I felt ashamed of myself. I made a lot of friends that year, even got invited to my first slumber party with this group of girls. This group of girls had been friends together for a long time. At times, I was a bit jealous that I did not have relationships like they did. They included me, and it made me feel good.

For the slumber party, I took a birthday gift for Vivian, and it was a Lava Lamp, the other two girls Chelsea and Lisa praised me, even expressing how they had to invite me to their parties because I give the best gifts. I had many hair braiding talents since my mother had a salon in our home, and I learned from her. So, I became the hair braiding queen, and every one of these friends that I had made wanted me to do their hair. It is a bit funny how small things like that continue throughout your life, just like when I became the hair braiding queen at Basic Military Training for most of the girls in my bay.

Anyhow, I remember going to the school with my family for a choir concert that I was singing in. Afterward, I had noticed that the medication was completely worn off, and my friends saw it too. They all were telling me how funny I am and that they like me better than the way I usually acted at school. During this time, was when I truly started to understand that I was different while I was taking the medication. I had a lot of fun times with these girls, including going to one of their family member’s lake house. However, I do not have any relationship with any one of the friends that I had made there. The only friendship that I still have from elementary school is my friend Anastacia; we met in third grade and had many years in between that we did not or could not see each other. We got into a lot of trouble together and did things I would never have done without her in my life. She was the friend who came over to my mother’s house, in high school, walking in and started going through our cupboards without me even knowing she was over yet. Many other friendships have come and gone, but my relationship with Ana was real, it truly hurts knowing that we are not as close as we once were.

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